盧旺達 Rwanda
It is a testament to the resilience and commitment of the Rwandan people, whose work and belief in a better future have made Rwanda one of the ‘go to’ origins for specialty coffee today.

洪都拉斯 Honduras
憑藉世界上最高的人均產量和各種商業驅動力下,專家們一致認為在可預見的將來,洪都拉斯的產量會達到 800 萬袋。
With the highest production per capita in the world and various business drivers keeping the industry growing, experts agree that Honduras can produce 8 million bags in the foreseeable future.

墨西哥 Mexico
Cup of Excellence 於 2012 年在墨西哥舉辦了第一場比賽,這提高了種植者對專業市場的了解,並提高了買家對墨西哥潛力的認識。
COE held their first competition in Mexico in 2012, which has improved knowledge of specialty markets amongst growers and raised awareness of Mexico’s potential among buyers.

秘魯 Peru
秘魯目前是世界上最大的有機咖啡出口國,擁有約 90,000 公頃的有機認證土地。
Peru is currently the world’s largest exporter of organic coffee, with some 90,000 hectares certified organic.

巴西 Brazil
Brazil is the largest coffee exporter in the world, which complies 35% of the world coffee market. It also produces some truly exceptional coffees and micro-lots.

哥倫比亞 Colombia
A mountainous topography and many tropical micro-climates contribute greatly to Colombia’s reputation for ideal growing conditions, helped Colombia establish itself as a recognisable ‘brand’ around the world.

烏干達 Uganda
The country has been traditionally known as a producer of the highest quality Robusta available on the market, but the country has also put effort and resources towards developing Arabica production.

印尼 Indonesia
自 1711 年以來,印尼一直在出口咖啡,現在是僅次於巴西、哥倫比亞和越南的世界第四大咖啡生產國。
Indonesia has been exporting coffee since 1711, now is the fourth biggest producer in the world behind Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam.

埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia
Only Arabica coffee is cultivated in Ethiopia. The coffees from the Yirgacheffe region in Sidamo are some of the best in the world.