烏干達 Uganda

該國傳統上被稱為羅布斯塔(Robusta)的生產國 - 話雖如此,出產的是最高品質的羅布斯塔 - 甚至被譽為它的發源地。烏干達一直是優質羅布斯塔概念的創新者,但該國近年也為發展阿拉比卡(Arabica)咖啡生產投入很多精力和資源。目前,阿拉比卡佔該國出口的 20% 以上,而且這一比例還持續增長。隨著 1990 年代初期咖啡行業的改革開放,該行業已經擺脫了國家控制的日子,目前行內全部公司都是私營的。加上烏干達咖啡發展局 (UCDA) 會對所有出口貨物進行分級、杯測和分類,系統化控制出口質量的標準,這對提升質量有很大幫助及保證。
烏干達大部分咖啡都是由小農在家使用手動的機器去果肉,甚至沒有基礎的干燥設施。這意味著處理的過程和最終的質量可以存在很大差異。Kingha Estate建造了新的咖啡處理場,那農民可以將收成的櫻桃送到那裡,而不用在家手工處理。這加強了處理過程的控制,因為該地區在收穫季節經常下雨。
這個批次就是此類合作的其中一個例子:Bwindi 農場和 Kingha Estates 之間的合作項目。 Kingha Estate 的主人 Kingsley Griffin 致力與當地農民合作以提高他們的收入,相信不同的合作有助提升質量。 Bwindi 與 Kingha Estate 位於同一地點,Bwindi 位於 Kingha Estate 的北部,都是介乎海拔 1300 至 1600米。咖啡櫻桃是從Bwindi農民那裡購買的,並在 Kingha Estate 進行清洗和乾燥,這裡有一個濕磨機,用作公共微型清洗站。
由於供應商與 Kingsley 有點關係,這批次是專門供應給我們供應商。
除了種植優質咖啡外,Kingha Estate 還致力於增加烏干達啡農的收入和生活水平。他們直接與農民合作,提供教育和培訓計劃,幫助農民提升產量和種出更優質的咖啡,從而增加他們的收入。 Kingha Estate 還與當地學校合作,提供服裝、文具用品和農業教育等。在收成的旺季,他們僱用了超過 85 名當地人,是該地區最大的雇主之一。
最近,他們在努力於 Kingha 莊園的基地建造一個微型水力發電站,讓Entenjari 河的一部分穿過它。發電站建成後,將提供穩定的可再生能源,足以滿足當地衛生中心、兩 所小學、一所中學和莊園的電力需求。產生的所有電力將免費提供給當地社區。
另外,他們絕不使用任何化肥或殺蟲劑,而95% 的電力來自太陽能電池。他們相信與當地環境和諧相處,用可持續的方法種植和加工咖啡,對確保當前和未來的咖啡供應非常重要。
The country has been traditionally known as a producer of Robusta – in fact, some of the highest quality Robusta available on the market – and is reputed to even be its birthplace. Uganda has been an innovator in the concept of Fine Robusta, but the country has also put effort and resources towards developing Arabica production. Currently, Arabica counts for just over 20% of the country’s exports and this percentage is growing. Following liberalisation of the coffee industry in the early 1990s, the industry has left behind the days of state control and is currently 100% in private hands. However, the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) grades, cups and classifies all export shipments, providing a standardised system for export quality control, which helps greatly for those questing for higher quality.
The vast majority of coffee in Uganda is home processed by small holder farmers using hand-powered pulpers, many lack good drying infrastructure. This means that attention to processing and resulting quality can vary greatly and is difficult to control under this more rustic processing system. New wet mills are built so farmers can send their cherries there instead of hand pulping on their farm. This has given increased control over processing activities, which can be challenging in the region as rains during the harvest season are common.
This lot is one of the examples: a project between Bwindi farm and Kingha Estates outgrowers. Bwindi is just north of the Kingha Estate and the name comes from the Bwindi impenetrable national park. Kingsley Griffin, the owner of Kingha Estate, is committed to working with local farmers to improve their income and believes different processing protocols have the potential to increase quality. Bwindi is in the same locality as Kingha Estate, where altitudes range from 1300 to 1600m. The cherries are purchased from the farmers and processed and dried at Kingha Estate, which has a wet mill that operates as a communal micro-washing station.
The lot was specifically created by our supplier due to the very direct relationship they have with Kingsley and his project.
Along with growing great coffee, Kingha Estate is dedicated to increasing the income and livelihood of Ugandan coffee farmers. They work directly with farmer households, providing education and training programs, thereby helping farmers to produce higher yields and better quality coffee, significantly increasing their income. Kingha Coffee also works with local schools, providing clothing, school supplies, and agricultural education programs within the local community. During the peak harvest season they employ over 85 local Ugandans, which is one of the largest employers in the district.
Recently, they have been working on creating a micro-hydro power station at the base of Kingha estate where a portion of the Entenjari River runs through it. The power station, when completed, will provide a consistent source of renewable energy, sufficient to power the local health center, 2 primary schools, a secondary school and the estate's power needs. All of the electricity generated will be given to the local community free of charge.
They do not use any chemical fertilisers or pesticides anywhere on their land, and generate 95% of their electricity from solar cells. They believe in the importance of growing and processing coffee in harmony with local environment and ensuring a sustainable and healthy present and future coffee supply.