墨西哥 Mexico

咖啡於 1700 年代後期首次抵達墨西哥,由西班牙移居者引入。該國是認證咖啡(有機和公平貿易認證)最重要的出口國之一。此外,墨西哥在生產精品咖啡方面擁有巨大的未開發潛力 - 大量具有高海拔和微氣候的種植區,以及數十萬經驗豐富、根基穩固的小農戶。在 12 個州擁有超過 60 萬公頃的土地,主要生產阿拉比卡咖啡。
近年來,墨西哥的咖啡種植合作社/地區向政府施加壓力,要求對咖啡進行更具戰略性的投資。他們努力幫助農戶提升價格和全球的需求上漲。此外,Cup of Excellence 於 2012 年在墨西哥舉辦了第一場比賽,這提高了種植者對專業市場的了解,並提高了買家對墨西哥潛力的認識。
墨西哥絕大多數 (90%) 的咖啡產自該國南部的四個州:恰帕斯州 (44%)、瓦哈卡州 (11%)、韋拉克魯斯州 (29%) 和普埃布拉州 (11%)。超過五十萬名農民種植咖啡,其中約 70% 是土地不足 10 公頃的小農。大莊園很少見 - 只有 0.06% 的農場面積超過 50 公頃。該國近 97% 的產量是阿拉比卡咖啡,其中大部分是 Garnica、Typica 和 Bourbon 等傳統品種。然而,由於咖啡銹病的影響,這種情況正在發生變化,許多生產商正在引入 Catimor 菌株來對抗真菌的影響。其中一些,如 Marsellesa,可以提供良好的風味質量以外同時增加產量和抗病性。儘管最近出現虧損,但許多生產商仍積極採取該做法。
墨西哥的大部分咖啡都是水洗加工的,一小部分是日曬 - 但近年來這種情況發生了變化,因為開始精挑出小批量咖啡進行更多的處理法實驗。
Coffee first arrived in Mexico in the late 1700s, introduced by Spanish settlers. The country is one of the foremost exporters of certified coffee (both organic and fair trade). Also, Mexico has great untapped potential for the production of specialty lots - a huge number of growing regions with agreeable altitudes and climates, as well as hundreds of thousands of experienced, well-established small-scale farmers. With more than 600 thousand hectares in 12 states under primarily Arabica coffee production.
In recent years Mexico’s coffee growing cooperatives/regions have put pressure on the government to invest more strategically in coffee. Their argument has been helped by sharp price increases and demand globally. Furthermore, the Cup of Excellence held their first competition in Mexico in 2012, which has improved knowledge of specialty markets amongst growers and raised awareness of Mexico’s potential among buyers.
The vast majority (90 percent) of Mexico’s coffee is produced in four states in the southern half of the country: Chiapas (44 percent), Oaxaca (11 percent), Veracruz (29 percent) and Puebla (11 percent). Coffee is grown by more than 500,000 farmers, around 70 percent of whom are smallholders with less than 10 hectares of land. Large estates are rare – only 0.06 percent of farms are larger than 50 hectares. Nearly 97 percent of the country’s production is Arabica, the majority of which is traditional varieties such as Garnica, Typica and Bourbon. However, this is changing due to the impact of coffee leaf rust, and many producers are introducing Catimor strains to combat the fungus’s impact. Some of these, such as Marsellesa, may offer good cup quality as well as increased production and resistance to disease. Many producers are taking proactive steps despite recent losses.
Most of Mexico’s coffee is wet processed, although a small proportion of naturals are also produced – this has changed in recent years with more experimentation occurring and microlots being singled out.