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咖啡利口酒 KOMO Coffee Liqueur

利口酒一般用嚟調酒,不過我哋覺得KOMO呢款直接飲或加冰都已經好夠正!精心搜羅來自日本的釀酒材料,配上過百種精品咖啡單品豆的試驗,造就呢款咖啡風味、甜度、口感、酒精度完美平衡嘅利口酒! 香港釀製...


香港釀製 Proudly brewed in Hong Kong | 500ml - 23% ABV

KOMO is an artisanal coffee liqueur that uses 100% single-origin, high-altitude Arabica coffee beans. Carefully roasted, gently extracted, and blended with raw ingredients meticulously sourced from Japan.

Point to note: You may see sediment at the bottom of the bottle, it's perfectly safe AND delicious! Those are yummy flavor particles (we call them 'KOMO-ko') that come from our natural cold brew ingredients. It gives KOMO its complex and deep coffee flavors. When the weather gets cold, KOMO-ko like to stick together even more, so every time you open a KOMO bottle, remember to shake the bottle a bit to let the KOMO-ko spread out before you pour.

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