Fellow是美國加洲的初創公司,以Kickstarter起家,首件推出的產品 - 簡約唯美的Stagg EKG電子熱水壺,已經馬上獲得2016年紅點設計大獎(產品設計類別)。自此以後,該產品成為精品咖啡界最受歡迎嘅產品之一,近年推出的Ode電子磨豆機,更顛覆咗傳統嘅設計,市場反應非常熱烈,令越來越多人談論Fellow是否咖啡界嘅 Apple!
Fellow is a brand based in San Francisco. Their Stagg EKG – the minimal electric pour-over kettle won the Reddot product design award 2016. Since then, it has become one of the top gears widely used in the industry.

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