盧旺達 Rwanda

盧旺達幾乎位於非洲的中心,是一個肥沃、多山且密集的國家,面積大約是蘇格蘭的一半,比美國大多數州都要小。它是非洲人口最稠密的國家,自鐵器時代以來就有人居住,看似一望無際的梯田山丘上散佈著住宅。 1100 萬強大的人口仍然主要生活在農村,大約 90% 的盧旺達人從事不同形式的農業,儘管大部分都是自給自足用的。
咖啡於 1904 年由德國殖民者引入該國。然而,商業生產直到 1930 年代在比利時統治下才真正增加。它現在被認為是該地區最穩定發展的國家之一,其經濟自 2003 年以來平均每年增長 7-8%。咖啡生產、茶葉出口和旅遊業一直是經濟增長和國家穩定的主要驅動力。這一近乎奇蹟的發展部分歸功於政府對咖啡行業的大力支持、促進出口的貿易條例以及非政府組織和私營公司的國際投資。但最重要的是,它證明了盧旺達人民的韌性和投入,他們努力工作和期盼更美好將來的信念使盧旺達成為當今精品咖啡的首選產地之一。
盧旺達幾乎所有的咖啡都是阿拉比卡咖啡,95% 是幾款歷史悠久的波旁咖啡品種之一。這受到國家政府的嚴密保護,大力監管品種的引進,以保護國家在世界市場的地位。在全球咖啡方面,盧旺達是一個小國,但絕不是無足輕重的生產國,具有巨大的潛力。他們在 2008 年舉辦了第一屆 Cup of Excellence 比賽,此後這個國家生產的優質波本咖啡被更多的買家認識。
Lying almost in the centre of the Africa, Rwanda is a fertile, mountainous, and compact nation, roughly half the size of Scotland and smaller than most US states. Officially Africa’s most densely populated country, it has been inhabited since the Iron Age, and its seemingly endless terraced hills are scattered with dwellings. The 11 million strong population is still largely rural, and around 90 percent of Rwandans are engaged in agriculture of some kind, though much of this is subsistence farming.
Coffee was introduced to the country by German colonists in 1904. However, commercial production only really ramped up in the 1930s, under Belgian rule. It is now considered one of the most stable countries in the region, and its economy has grown by an annual average of 7-8% since 2003. Coffee production, along with tea exports and tourism, has been a key driver of this economic growth and stability. This near miracle has taken place due in part to strong governmental support for the coffee sector, trade rules that facilitate exporting, and international investment from NGOs and private companies. But above all, it is a testament to the resilience and commitment of the Rwandan people, whose work and belief in a better future have made Rwanda one of the ‘go to’ origins for specialty coffee today.
Almost all of Rwanda’s coffee is Arabica, and 95% is one of several long-established Bourbon varieties. This is closely guarded by the country’s government, which strongly guides variety introduction so as to protect the country’s market In global coffee terms, Rwanda is a small but by no means insignificant producer with some tremendous potential. They held its first Cup of Excellence competition in 2008 and since then has introduced many more buyers to the exceptional Bourbon coffees that this country produces.