哥倫比亞 Colombia

哥倫比亞本來是僅次於巴西出產咖啡的大國,但直到越南出現在咖啡界(其產量主要來自Robusta)後,有超過200萬人依賴咖啡謀生的哥倫比亞便成為世界第三大咖啡生產國 。山區的地形和許多熱帶微氣候營造了咖啡豆理想的生長條件,令哥倫比亞成為咖啡界的「名牌」。
Colombia is the third largest coffee-producing country in the world and, until the arrival of Vietnam on the coffee scene (whose outputs are mainly Robusta), Colombia was second only to Brazil. More than 2 million individuals rely on coffee for livelihood. A mountainous topography and many tropical micro-climates contribute greatly to Colombia’s reputation for ideal growing conditions, which in turn have helped Colombia establish itself as a recognisable ‘brand’ around the world.
On average, the crop generates some 10-16% of the agricultural GDP. The majority of this production surprisingly comes from small farms: 60% of Colombian coffee farmers cultivate less than one hectare of coffee while only 0.5% have more than 20 hectares.
The diversity of coffee and profiles found across Colombia is enormous and coffee is harvested practically year-round depending on the region. As the country becomes more developed, labour costs have risen, making harvesting more and more expensive. In 2015, unemployment in the country reached historic lows and labour supply in the rural coffee growing areas has increasingly failed to meet demand.
Located in the mountainous terrain and temperate climates of southwest Antioquia, Finca La Loma, translating to “the Green Hills”, has the perfect climate for producing excellent quality coffee. In this ideally situated terrain, the Guerra family has dedicated 20 of their 22.2 hectares to coffee, with the rest of the farm being utilised for livestock. Having owned the neighbouring farm of Finca Las Mercedes since the 1960s, Alfonso Guerra purchased Finca La Loma in 2005 with aim of further expanding their business.
This means that five generations of the Guerra family have tended the lands of Cuidad Bolivar. With years of experience passed down through generations, the Guerra family’s mission is to produce consistent, high quality coffee, whilst taking responsibility for the environment they work within. Under Juan Carlos’ influence, the farm has increasingly focused on quality improvements and speciality coffee production. Finca La Loma’s 140,000 Caturra, Colombia and Castillo trees are painstakingly maintained, aiming to marry productivity with environmental stewardship. Plots are fertilised twice a year and all control of pests and illnesses are done using products that are certified as being friendly to wildlife.