GSP drip set

濾杯是單孔圓錐形的,內建多條坑紋,讓沖泡時產生的熱空氣有空間適度地流走。 搪瓷是無味的,多得這種特質,咖啡原來的香氣及味道都能完整地展現。
沖泡比例:1比15 |20克咖啡豆加300克水
水溫:90 - 92℃
研磨粗幼度:3 - 4
1. 把濾杯放在容器上,放入濾紙,用少量熱水沾濕濾紙和濾杯,然後將水倒掉
2. 將20克咖啡粉放入濾紙,慢慢在中圈注入50克熱水,讓咖啡粉膨脹至00:50
3. 然後分段注水,先慢慢由中間到外圍注入熱水至180克,熱水大約會在1:50流完
4. 繼續用同一方式注入熱水至300克,注水速度要比上一段快
5. 整個過程應該會在2:30完成
The Tsubame Series was manufactured by a long-established enamel maker in Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture.
The dripper is a single-hole conical type. With the ribs structure built inside, it allows the gas and air generated during extraction to escape moderately. Thanks to the characteristics of enamel, the original aroma and taste of coffee can be fully extracted without spoiling by the smell of the material.
Any conical drip filter in the market can be used for the dripper, just make sure the volume is correct (2 cups or 4 cups)
Kinto conical cotton paper filter
Brewing ratio: 20g beans for 300ml coffee
Water temperature: 90 - 92℃
Brew time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
1. Put the filter in the dripper and rinse with hot water
2. Gently pour 50g water from the center, wet all the coffee grounds and let it bloom until 00:50
3. At 00:50, gently start your first pour until 180g
4. At 01:50, complete second pour until 300g, the speed should be a bit faster than the first pour
5. Drawdown should be completed within 2:30